American Veterans Traveling Tribute & Wall Coming to Lakeside Hotel & Casino

traveling vietnam veteran's wall osceola iowa

Veterans and active members of America’s armed services travel great distances and make great sacrifices to preserve and protect freedom and liberty, how far will you travel to honor their contribution? The American Veterans Traveling Tribute & Wall will visit Lakeside Hotel & Casino from September 26

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New Digital Updates Help Users Find Local Activities

The latest updates to the Web site have been made to help users find Osceola and Clarke County’s local activities through a simple, mobile information portal. With the growth of the community and organized groups becoming more abundant, tracking and coordinating information for activities throughout the

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Reservation Systems Updated, Clarke Co. Bike Share Program Rolls On

After what seemed like weeks of updates to the reservation application and its integration, Clarke County Public Health is happy to announce the Clarke County bike share program, located on the east side of the Clarke County Courthouse, is set up and ready to roll. There’s plenty of

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Stop and See the Clarke County Courtyard Rain Garden

Clarke County Courtyard Rain Garden Provides Unique Opportunities & Education With the booming 4th of July festivities on the horizon, Osceola residents are invited to view and show off to visitors the only Courtyard in Iowa to have a Rain Garden. While on a Clarke County Prairie

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3rd Annual Earth Day 5K Run/Walk and Kids Nature Walk is April 21

Clarke County Hospital and the Clarke County Conservation Board are partnering to host the 3rd Annual Earth Day 5K Run/Walk and Kids Nature Walk on Saturday, April 21 at 10 AM. This year’s event will be held at East Lake Park in Osceola, IA. The 5k run/walk

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