CCRC Embarks on Development of Compensatory Wetlands Mitigation Plan

With archeological research and compliance studies making good progress, the CCRC moved to expedite the next stage of the development through action on a Wetlands Compensatory Mitigation Plan required by the Clean Water Act. This stage will help the commission move closer to the design and construction bid process for the future reservoir.
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Clarke County Reservoir Project Engineering Reports Return with Added Costs

clarke county reservoir project costs

On September 17, the latest engineering report, including revised cost projections for the Clarke County Reservoir, was submitted to the Clarke County Reservoir Commission by HDR Engineering. With initial engineering and construction costs estimated in 2013 and after geotechnical research revealed numerous unforeseen challenges, the reservoir project

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Clarke County Reservoir Project Starts Technical Design Phase

clarke county reservoir research

The Clarke County Reservoir project continues to move forward, reaching the end of the acquisition phase and kicking off the draft design phase. With these steps in motion, the project stays on track for a completion date near the end of 2024. In October, the Clarke County

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