$718,600 CCDC Grant Kicks off Initial Development of Osceola’s Effluent Pipeline

In May’s CCDC Board meeting, the City made the request to kick off the first phase of the Effluent Recirculated Water pipeline to pull water from the new Osceola Wastewater Treatment Plant to other parts of the city. This will help lower the burden on West Lake’s raw water supply. With a grant of more than $700K, the CCDC was able to get this “First in the State” venture started and help fund the project.
Click on the latest feature to read how what this grant means for the future of Osceola’s water and the ongoing pursuit of a sustainable water supply for the community…

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Osceola Water Board Approves Plans for the Future of Osceola’s Water Supply

For more than 18-months, the Osceola Water Works team has been evaluating and researching the most impactful ways to supplement Osceola’s water supply and increase access to other raw water sources to serve the community. In Thursday’s monthly water board meeting, a plan was presented and approved with three focused stages, including estimated timelines and costs for the future of water in Osceola and Clarke County.
Check out the latest feature for more details on the plans for water within the community and surrounding areas…

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Spring Has Sprung – Creative Gardening While Conserving Water

With Spring gardening season upon us, how do Osceola’s green thumbs get their gardens to grow while conserving water? In a recent article submitted by the Osceola Water Works, their team helps with some gardening and water conservation tips to help through the season.
Click through to read the full article…

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