Clean-Up Week — City Strongly Encourages Community-Wide Participation

With city-wide Spring Clean-Up taking place this week, city officials wanted to make sure the public was updated on the event details as well as additional information about recent city nuisance ordinance updates made in the May 7th city council meeting.
Click on the latest feature to read how you can participate in the clean-up event and learn about the nuisance mitigation efforts by the city …

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Let’s Celebrate! Week of the Young Child – April 1–7, 2023

In a recent proclamation by Osceola’s Mayor, April 1st through April 7th, 2023 will be “Week of the Young Child” celebrating those like The Village Early Childhood Center in Osceola, who provide services during some of the most important years in early childhood development. … Click through to read more about The Week of the Young Child as well as see a celebratory video about early childhood education…

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NEW: February 17, 2021 – City of Osceola Emergency Proclamation – 2021-1

kedley signs emergency proclamation 2021-1

From Mayor Kedley: Due to the continued concerns and in an effort to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19, I, Mayor Thomas J. Kedley, do hereby declare another Emergency Proclamation for the city of Osceola, IA. We’re not through this pandemic yet and we cannot let down

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Stream Osceola’s City Council Meetings Live from Your Home Computer

Osceola City Council and local officials have been working on implementing the technology needed for the streaming of City Council meetings through the City’s Web site for over a year. With the assistance of Terry Taylor and his team from Communications Solutions, a camera with audio support

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